So I did some research on Slay Queens, and what I found was quite astounding. I am actually quite touched to read news on what beautiful young women and mom's put themselves through for the benefits that come with that title.
First of all, before I get into it...
#BRINGBACKSELFRESPECT , #BRINGBACKMORALS, #USEYOURBRAINNOTYOURBODY , because easy money is sleazy money and from one women to another, you're capable of so much more. Empowering each other should be the new norm, not this " I'll get R5000 if I sleep with him" mentality to achieve a certain level of social status, have branded things, or to make ends meet at home. You cant be LAZY and do this forever, what is your back up plan when your body starts showing the mileage you put it through and no one wants you?
Yes, basic necessities are expensive and having nice things almost seems impossible these days, but the amount of learnerships, business opportunities, bursaries, jobs and respectable means of obtaining a healthy cash flow for women increase day by day, if, you look in the right places and associate yourself with the right people.
Opportunities present themselves when you're with the right crowd.
TBH, I think there are a lot of connotations when it comes to actually knowing and understanding the definition of what a slay queen is and what a slay queen does to maintain an elite lifestyle that she "posers" to have but actually does not really own.
Definition I Found Online
Girls who do not have a wealthy background but appear as if they do. They use malicious acts to attain cash, drink expensive alcohol, procure expensive cellphones. But back at home she's a chicken chaser.
You can spot them from a distance by their obnoxious and heavy rolling accent characterized by flat pronounciations of the letter "e"
e.g. "I just don't gat it" / "You batter have my money."
What also inspired me to do my research & write this post was the very recent DM I got just yesterday from a dodgy Instagram account asking me if they could discuss a business proposal with me along with sending me gifts in marketing their products. Silly me, for not going through their profile at first & thinking the products aren't improper, so out of curiosity, I asked them what the business proposal is along with the description of the products that would need social coverage. LOL, I legit thought I was going to get make up. OMW, I was shocked at the response I got and blocked that account immediately after I realised what they expected from me.
So, basically, the products are sex toys that need to be tested in your "elite dating experience", in exchange for your body, you get paid appointments at high end salons and branded clothes, and visits to desired boutiques, all this as incentives and obviously your usual cash payment once the client decides your service with them has expired.
I couldn't believe that this person was asking me to risk my life with strangers who are most probably violent and psycho, on the daily and basically be a bougee prostitute for super exclusive clients in high places.
This made me think.
1. Our country's socio-economic state is nowhere near progression. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, resulting in, women who obtain the profession as an elite prostitute for easy cash to provide for their family, or sadly, their ego or to keep up with social trends.
2. Young women with low self esteem who try to keep up with social lifestyles they cant afford or simply try to make it to the top of the corporate ladder often fall prey to entertaining the elite lifestyle in exchange of all things nice, unfortunately with no sugar and spice as the extreme dangers that come with this kind of lifestyle is quiet life threatening.
As mentioned before, if you look in the right places and associate yourself with the right people, then opportunities will soon present themselves so that you can find a positive and respectable way of obtaining a healthy cash flow.
I read quite a few relevant news articles on Slay Queens who got really hurt, murdered and the extremes some would go to to get that cash.
Some are travelling all the way to Dubai, to sell their cake in the desert to some rich Sheikh in exchange for R300 000 with only a 40% chance of returning back home safe and alive.
In my opinion, women shouldn't have to go to these extremes to live, have nice things or simply, just to fit in.
Women are powerful and often psychological, emotional or economic issues cloud the judgement of many in blinding them to actually knowing their worth, what they are capable of and all the things they can achieve without having to sell their bodies.
I'm quite surprised to see that this trend is slowly being accepted in society as normal, prostitution is on the brink of complete legalisation and people are actually okay with that. I blame 15% VAT, the rise in petrol, and basic necessities to live and most importantly, BAD PARENTS WHO DONT DISCIPLINE THEIR KIDS AND TEACH THEM HOW TO USE THEIR BRAIN INSTEAD OF THEIR BODY TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE!
It all starts at home, and for those who are already in it to win it, it starts with you babygirl. Get out while you can, make a good name for yourself, leave a good legacy, tap into your inner self, & be the REAL powerful, successful women you were designed to be without having to sell yourself just because YOU LAZY.
Don't be one of the reason why HIV/AIDS keep increasing in our country and start being the reason why others can look up to you as an inspiration because you are not narrow minded & you turned your life around for the better.
More articles to follow on this topic.
This post will probably offend some people, and if you mad at me for speaking truth, sorry not sorry.