A big THANK YOU to Beauty Bulletin & Dove for these products 🌸
Those who know me, know my obsession for hair dye can get a bit out of hand, lol.
After going through the hectic process of making my hair, P L A T I N U M B L O N D E, I have been on the lookout for new products that will help restore the health, moisture, strength & shine of my hair.
These products arrived at the perfect time 👏
I am excited to see the results these products has had with my fellow beauties, Just_Gill , Joburg Vogue , Glazed & Unswayed Beauty over the next few weeks and super amped to test this new range of @dove hair treatments, shampoo & conditioners for the #DoveOneWashChallenge &, #TrialDoveWithFriends campaign.
Who knows, maybe I'll settle with this brand as part of my new hair care régime.
Review coming soon ❤💆